From 1949 until 2017; The Blind Community Center celebrates 68 years ! |
Members, Lions, AT&T Pioneers, other supporters, volunteers and neighbors took a walk down memory lane with a free Barbeque Pulled Chicken sandwich plate and dessert. Members enjoyed free MTS Access transportation, and a visit from Lion District Governor-Elect Neil Seefeldt Jr. Long time members, Lois Renfro, Dorothy Uliano and Ethel Kirtley shared their thoughts about the Center. Friends of the Blind Community Center told their stories about the Center. On display was a gold shovel used in the construction of the old building in 1949.

By Claude Edwards The BCCSD 68th anniversary party was a memorable event. Preparations were well underway when I arrived. A cheerful volunteer greeted me and inside the auditorium, tables were arranged with red, white or blue covers, in recognition of Memorial Day. I joined BCCSD Board member and master coordinator, Christie Greene, as she gave ‘marching orders’ to several enthusiastic volunteers who helped by: exhibiting craft items created by BCCSD members, setting out the coffee, preparing the food, and welcoming people as they came into the lobby. 83 people celebrated our 68 years, including representatives of local Lions Club chapters, who we were pleased to have as our honored guests. Several BCCSD members expressed heartfelt appreciation of what the Center meant to them. They were followed by an overview of the history of the Center, from its founding as the Blind Recreation Center in 1949, to its reconstruction and rededication in 2000 as the Blind Community Center. One of the shovels used in the original construction highlighted the presentation! Lion, District Governor Elect Neil Seefeldt, Jr., made closing statements. He congratulated the Center for its service to the blind community, and pledged his support as our newest board member. Everyone received a commemorative gift, with the American flag on one side and 1949 to 2017 on the other. 68th ANNIVESARY PARTY WAS A HIT By Lyn Gwizdak The BCC 68th Anniversary Luncheon was fun. It was wonderful to see the room filled with BCC members, friends, family and members of various Lions Clubs – including the new District Governor! We had a delicious lunch of pulled chicken, coleslaw, and baked beans. Our dessert was BCC Anniversary cake. Several BCC members talked about their BCC experiences in the old building and in the current one. Thank you to the volunteers who made this so enjoyable. |