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This month the BCCSD, started a new program on Thursdays, called Storytelling.  Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, often with improvisation, theatrics, or embellishment.    Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, and cultural preservation.

Stories told this month at the BCCSD included stories about personal struggles, acts of heroism and simple stories about daily tasks.  Topics included How I traveled to the BCCSD today, How I became blind, How I saved a life, What was my first day at the BCCSD like and How did the Bingo ball end up in Howard’s pocket.  The stories shared were sincere and touching.  We cried a little and laughed a lot.

Everyone likes to be heard, and everyone likes to tell his or her own story.  This is a fun program and everyone who attended, had a good time