Southwest Lions of San Diego
Your substantial donation in 2017, allowed the BCC to provide over 6800 nutritious, lunchtime meals to hungry blind and low vision adults. We use our new range and commercial convection oven every day! Thank you again.
North Park Lions
Thank you for your generous donation in December for the purchase of computers for our new computer center. Also, thanks for the ten new card tables. We are already using them for cribbage and board games. We are having fun and we appreciate you every day. We are looking forward to you joining us for lunch in January.
Chula Vista Host Lions Club
Once again, the CV Host Lions club sponsored the annual BCC Holiday Party. This event is widely anticipated each year and for 2017, it did not disappoint. Please read about the party under ‘BCC Experiences’. Special thanks to all CV Host club members, especially Odena Dillard and Al Hooper who made it happen. We recognize the time and dollar investment made by the club for the party and we cannot thank you enough!
Thank you to Gary and Odena Dillard who single-handedly managed the BCC craft sale at the War Memorial Building on Saturday, December 16th. It was cold and rainy and they represented the BCC while our members were back at the center enjoying their monthly Bingo game. Thanks again, Gary and Odena!
Ranch Catering
Thank you Ranch Catering for a fantastic Holiday meal at our Christmas party. As always, the food was delicious and your staff were respectful, accommodating and polite. Serving sizes were more than generous and everyone had more than enough to eat. Special details like the coffee service, linen tablecloths and white china helped make our dinner very special.
Thank you December Nights Volunteers
Teachers, BCC crafters and Balboa Park onsite volunteers. Thank you for hours and hours and hours of support leading up to and during the December Nights event. We had crafts for sale as well as singers, Santa Clause, and volunteers. This event raised the equivalent of two months of maintenance and service for the elevator and security alarm system, building and occupant insurance, landline telephone costs and craft supplies for the 2018 December Nights event. Good work all!
San Diego Association of Insurance Professionals (SDAIP)
The BCC is grateful to the members of SDAIP for their very generous food donation in support of the free lunch program. We appreciate the substantial donation of non-perishable cans of pasta sauce, chili beans, vegetables, and coffee, packages of cookies, pasta and bottles of water. The first lunch in January will be an Italian meal including spaghetti and garlic bread. Thank you! Thank you also for the opportunity to speak to your group about what the Blind Community Center offers the blind and low vision community in San Diego County.