Sustaining Donors are making a monthly or quarterly commitment to the BCC with their regular support. By making a recurring donation, you make an on-going commitment to help blind and low vision members of our community stay healthy and motivated to live a better life. Becoming a sustaining donor is a great way to show your support and ensure the stability and effectiveness of the BCC.
San Diego North Park Lions Club
Friends of the BCC are organizations, individuals and groups who regularly support the Blind Community Center of San Diego. Support can be financial, in kind donations or volunteering time and energy.
Chula Vista Harbor Lioness Club
PDG Lion Rick Hannum
Delta Gamma at San Diego State University
Friends of the BCC – Individuals
Insight Pre Optometry Club at UCSD
Mira Mesa Senior Center Garden Club
National Charity League, San Diego Del Norte Chapter
San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization (CECO)
San Diego Executive Lions Club
San Diego Mission Bay Boat and Ski Club
Singing Hills Lions Club