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Birthday Party for 100 Year Old Volunteer Mary Lou Santo Tomas

June 21 2018, Mary Lou Santo Tomas turned 100 years old.

Photo of MaryLou Santo Tomas

Mary Lou’s party at the BCC was well attended by 73 BCC participants, volunteers, Lions and AT&T Pioneers. Mary Lou has ben a volunteer since 1974 at the BCC. There was fried chicken and cake for everyone. Over $500 was donated to the BCC in Mary Lou’s Name. Thank you all!

Mary Lou has been volunteering at the BCC for 46 years and is still going strong. She volunteers every Monday and Tuesday and at all special events such as the annual Spaghetti Dinner and Pancake Breakfast.

Mary Lou is our ‘Angel Lady’. Not only is she our angel in spirit, she also puts the finishing touches on every beaded angel that BCC members create.

Channel 8 TV’s Jeff Zevely visited the BCC on the Wednesday before her party for a pre-party. We sang Happy birthday and Jeff did a fantastic job interviewing Mary Lou, her family and several BCC participants. Her news clip can still be viewed on channel 8 TV’s The Zevely Zone. Blind Community Center: Honoring volunteer who always lights the way

Here are Photos of Mary Lou and everyone who helped her celebrate her 100th birthday!