by Claude Edwards
I recently visited a stretch of the Otay River from Hollister Street northwest to San Diego Bay, to listen to birds in the area. I took a Blue Line Trolley south from Chula Vista to the Palm Avenue station. Then I followed Hollister Street north to a hike and bike Trail connecting Otay River Valley Regional Park with the south bay Bike-way. I entered the willow riparian woodland and coastal sage scrub vegetation along the Otay river, pulsing with the voices of a dozen bird species! I smiled inside with pleasure as I recognized them, like old friends.
Although accessible, the trail was narrow and busy with bicycles, so not recommended for casual hikers. At North 13th Street, I gladly rested on a bench, overlooking placid salt ponds ringed by raised dirt dikes. Reinvigorated, I hiked back to the end of Main Street, tired but satisfied with my efforts. Of the 30+ birds, I heard today, my favorites were Bell’s vireo, Berwick’s wren, black-necked stilt, blue grosbeak, and yellow warbler. I enjoyed my bus ride home in air-conditioned comfort, from the corner of Main and Hollister.