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Southwest Lions of San Diego

Over 600 nutritious, lunchtime meals were provided to hungry blind and low vision seniors at the BCC in August.  Thank you.

Rick Hannum

Rick Hannum gives President Sharlene Ornelas a donation

North Park Lions

La Mesa Lions

You made it possible for the BCC to provide round trip tickets to and from the BCC through MTS Access for several upcoming events, including the annual barbeque.  Your generous donations and support are valued and appreciated.  Thank you.

Eric Linebarger

Our Movie Matinee program is becoming reality.  Thank you for the purchase price of a giant flat screen TV and sound bar. Soon there will be a weekly movie program at the BCC thanks to you.

Chula Vista Host Lions

Thank you for the tune-up and maintenance of our BCC vehicles.  Thank you to Al Hooper for driving our water skiers to their water skiing event at Fiesta Island.

Mission Bay Boat and Ski Club

Thank you for providing water skiing opportunities for our blind and low vision population. Our water skiers thoroughly enjoyed their day at the beach and the picnic lunch that followed.


Thank you for Summer Cleaning at the BCC! On Wednesday, August 2, 24 eager, enthusiastic, hard-working employees of RSM US LLP, descended upon the BCC and worked from 9am until 2pm, and scrubbed everything in sight.  They cleaned the kitchen, swept all exterior walkways and stairs. They cleaned out storage areas and helped with December Nights Crafts. Thanks to you, we are ready for our upcoming fundraisers and Holiday parties.

RSM US LLP Volunteers


Thanks for a fantastic annual barbeque! BCC members always look forward to events that you moms and daughters sponsor and they were certainly not disappointed at the 2017 summer barbeque.