To all of our generous donors: Thank you for your continued, faithful support of our Blind Community Center. You make a difference in the lives of our blind and low vision participants, every day!
Gwen Edwards
Gwen is a long-time blind member and volunteer of the BCC. She is also the current Past President of the BCC Board. Gwen volunteers every week at the BCC. She cooks for Bingo game day and many other events. It is impossible to list all of the good work Gwen has given to the BCC over the years. Thank you, Gwen for all of the hours, days, weeks, months and years of service
North Park Lions
Thank you for your continued quarterly donation which helps us pay our bills and fund programs like MTS transportation. In May, all members attending our Karaoke Party, will receive a one-way free MTS ticket for the day. More people are able to participate when we are able to offer a free ticket. Thank you.
Kelly and Jerry Sinclair of Business Office Outfitters
A big thank you for the much needed, donation of 10 office chairs for our new computer center. Soon, the BCC will be able to offer a long-awaited computer services program to our low vision and blind participants. Chairs are an important piece of the plan. Thank you so very much!
La Mesa Lions Club
Thank you for your support with our new computer center. The new BCC computer center will allow blind and low vision members of our community to access the internet, look up needed information, and give our participants another tool to help them be more independent.
Del Sol Lions Club
Thank you Del Sol Lions! Your generous donation for our computer center and our MTS fund has helped the BCC in a big way! Beginning in May, membership meeting attendees will receive a free MTS transportation ticket. Thank you!
Chula Vista Host Lions Club
The Chula Vista Host Lions Club continues to have dedicated volunteers at the BCC several days of every week. Thank you Odena, Mary Lou and Jeanie for your exemplary volunteer efforts.
AT&T Pioneer, Life Member Club
Thank you to enthusiastic Pioneer volunteers, Dora, Judy, Karen, Christie and Velda for your happy work with our lunch and craft class participants.
National Charity League
The National Charity League has again committed to sponsoring the BCC August BBQ, our October Halloween Party and our St. Patrick’s Day party for 2019. The National Charity League is a national non-profit organization comprised of mother and daughter members. Nurturing through mentorship and empowering women with the skills and confidence to lead are two of their core values. The NCL has been hosting parties at the BCC for many years. The girls and their mothers change from year to year, but the level of service and dedication to the BCC has been unwavering. Thank you NCL! We look forward to a continuing partnership bringing fun activities to the BCC.
Mission Lions Club
Thank you for donating to our Program Fund. The money you donated will be used for MTS transportation, or our free lunch program or one of our other activities designed to give our participants a fun time at the BCC. Thank you so much for your continued support.
C3 Risk and Insurance Services
C3 Risk and Insurance Services has managed the Blind Community Center’s insurance needs for many years and is a company of caring people. They listen carefully to our concerns and make sure our insurance coverage is exactly what we need.
Thank you for sponsoring our BCC Volunteer luncheon. Thanks to you, our treasured BCC volunteers were treated to delicious Greek lunch. The volunteers were not allowed to cook, serve or otherwise do what they normally do. The chocolate cake for dessert was rich, decadent and just the treat our volunteers deserve. Thank you for making their day so special.
Jim Pehl
Thanks for driving our bus and making sure our April water skiers were safely delivered to Mission Bay for our water skiing adventure. Everyone had a fun day.
The Blind Ski Program presented by members of The San Diego Mission Bay Boat and Ski Club (SDMBBSC), provides sight impaired children and adults with the opportunity of hands-on instruction and interaction of water sports. The Blind Ski Program is aligned with the Blind Community Center as well as The Braille Institute and the San Diego Center for the Blind.
The Blind Ski program was started in 1963 by Santo Lo Presto (Sandy) and was the only Blind Water Skiing instruction program in the County. Sandy was the second most decorated hero in World War II under Audie Murphy. He passed away in 1989. He was a colorful Italian character and a great man!
Ron George was Blind Ski Director following the passing of Santo Lo Presto and returned 2007. He has been involved with the Blind Ski Program for 40 years. Ron states “you don’t need a boat to volunteer. Help can be serving the kids on the beach or helping back at the Club with lunch after skiing.” The program continues each year from May through September with over 200 participants each year.
Ron personally calls the BCC each year to make sure we know what the water ski dates are so we can put the information on our web site and in our newsletter.
If you have never tried water skiing, here’s your chance. There are lots of sighted volunteers and your experience will be safe and fun. Many of our participants would rather go for a ride on one of the speed boats or ride on the Giant inner tube which is pulled by a speed boat.
Everyone has a good time and after a morning on the beach, we all drive to the clubhouse for lunch. Burgers and hot dogs of course!
Eating Burgers and hot dogs at the clubhouse
Thank You SDMBBSC for the many years that you have provided this excellent program. Our blind and low vision BCC members are grateful and are looking forward to many more days of water adventures.