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Thank You

Del Sol Lions Club
Thank you Del Sol Lions! Your generous donations for our computer center and our MTS fund has helped the BCC in a big way! Thank you!

National Charity League

The National Charity League has again committed to sponsoring the BCC August BBQ, our October Halloween Party and our St. Patrick’s Day party for 2019. The National Charity League is a national non-profit organization comprised of mother and daughter members. Nurturing through mentorship and empowering women with the skills and confidence to lead are two of their core values. The NCL has been hosting parties at the BCC for many years. The girls and their mothers change from year to year, but the level of service and dedication to the BCC has been unwavering. Thank you NCL! We look forward to a continuing partnership bringing fun activities to the BCC.

University of San Diego Students
After volunteering all semester at the BCC during craft classes and bingo activities, USD students headed up by Alexis Nacht, held a drive at their school for bingo prizes, and other supplies. From our wish list they donated 12 non-stick muffin pans, 10 chair cushions, and 24 white, Corelle break resistant soup bowls. They also gave the BCC a ton of nonperishable food for bingo prizes, our snack program and free lunch service. Items included peanut butter, canned chicken and soups, spaghetti sauce, oatmeal, rice, cookies, snack crackers, pop tarts, candy, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, household cleaners, and lots more. The enthusiasm and energy the students bring to the BCC is priceless. Thank you all so very much.

Photo of USD Students and donations